Monday, January 29, 2007

Falling Behind Again

I know I am really behind in my blogging. I have been really busy lately but I guess that is always the case so I will attempt to catch everyone up with what we have been doing this past month or so.

Christmas was a little different for us this year and this was the first year that Jensen really understood what was going on so we decided rather than stay at my parents house, as we normally do, we would stay the night at our house on Christmas Eve so that Santa could visit us there. We also decided we would start a new tradition and we had Brian's mom, Janet, stay over with us as well. I think Brian and I were more excited about Christmas morning than Jensen was, and of course Peyton was still too young to understand what was going on. Lynnette called us at 6 am and I thought it was an alarm clock going off instead of my phone so I woke up and ran upstairs to wake up Jensen! I was expecting him to be so excited to get up but he said "Mom, why are you waking me up? The sun isn't up yet" Ok, so I guess maybe he still doesn't get the whole excitement of Christmas yet! Anyways, he did wake up and we had a nice Christmas morning together and then we went from there over to my parents house where we would stay for the next few days. Lynnette and Dave came for a few days which was great! They were there to celebrate a few days after Christmas and through New Years! We also had our extended family Mowat Christmas as well which was really fun.

Here are some pictures from over the holidays:

Our Family Christmas 2006

I had to zoom in on this gummy grin!

Leah, Lynnette and Lara

Spike, I mean Peyton

Aunt Net gave him a mohawk!

Great Grandma ( Mowat) Wheeler with Jensen, Titus and Peyton

The Vic Mowat Family at the Mowat Christmas

Grandma and her kids: Vic, Neil, Darwin, Dan and Ilene

Jensen helped Aunt Lara make Christmas cookies and he was really proud of them

Net took this picture of Peyton which I think is adorable ( I know I am biased but look at those blue eyes)
Aunt Net and Jensen

Aunt Net with Jensen and Peyton

Peyton and Jensen

Jensen opening a gift from Aunt Net and Uncle Dave

He loved it!!

Grandpa and Jensen both got matching Farmall shirts!

Peyton and his new truck

New Year's Party at our house

Leah, Lara, Net, Dave, Brian and Ben

Toasting the New Year 2007


Anonymous said...

You did a lot of catching up with all of the pictures. Good job!

Dave & Lynnette Mason said...

Yeah! I love the new post, what a great Christmas!!:)