Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Picture with the Easter Bunny

As I said our Easter was kind of different this year, not just because Peyton got sick but also because we didn't get to go "home" this year. We really missed seeing all the grandparents and aunts but we decided to try things on our own this year. Our original plan was to go to a community easter egg hunt on Saturday but it snowed quite a bit the night before and was really cold so we scrapped that idea and took the boys over to Walmart where they had pictures with the Easter Bunny. Jensen hopped right up on his lap but Peyton didn't want to get close to him at all. (I have to admit he was a pretty scary looking bunny.) He would wave at him and say "Hi Bunny" but he wouldn't get on his lap so that is why he is missing from the picture.

1 comment:

Dave & Lynnette Mason said...

I do say that I would have to agree with Peyton...that bunny is scary!! Jensen looks very cute though!!