Thursday, December 06, 2007

November's gone and it's December already

Wow, I can't believe it is December already. November flew by. I don't even know what we did in November to tell you the truth. I guess we have just all been adjusting to our new home and new schedules. Jensen is loving his new preschool. He even had a girlfriend already ( much to Moms disappointment). Peyton is getting bigger and talking more and more. The boys are enjoying having each other to play with, at least most of the time. I have been trying to get involved in local groups around here to make some friends. I have joined our local MOPS group which has been really great. There have been some great speakers that have really shown me that even though sometimes as a stay at home mom you don't always feel like you are contributing much to society but rather the job I do everyday as a mom is so important in the lives of my kids and how they will turn out in the future. Anyways, we are getting ready for the holidays around here. We have our apartment decorated and most of my shopping is done already. The boys are enjoying watching Christmas movies, hearing Christmas music and seeing lights. Peyton loves Santa and calls him Isa for some reason but he just lights up whenever he sees him. We took the boys to see Santa at the mall the other day and he could not wait to get up on his lap. They both went up together and Peyton was just as happy as could be just sitting there while brother told Santa everything he wanted for Christmas. Here are a few pics from that day!

1 comment:

Dave & Lynnette Mason said...

How sweet:) Peyton looks scared though!:)